Thursday, October 22, 2015

Dead Snow 2 - Dead Vs Red

Dead Snow 2 follows in the tradition of Evil Dead 2 and other horror/humor type films that dont take themselves too serious, and for what it was, I was entertained.

Once you take a deep breath and in the first few minutes of the movie, is introduced to our hero ,(in a very helpful flashback, since I hadn't seen the original) Martin, the only one left alive from the previous film, is introduced exactly where the flashback left off, with him fighting off an army of zombie Nazis.

The fight lands Martin in the hospital, where Martin is outfitted with a replacement arm that just happens to belong to Nazi Zombie Colonel Herzog, the movie's main bad guy.

His arm, in a very much Evil Dead fashion, has a life of its own and grants Martin powers, but also is bloodthirsty, making for most of the movie's funny scenes.

Also comedic relief is found in the form of "Zombie Squad", a group of Americans that basically supposed to represent everyone watching the movie, they are funny and provide the comedic relief while kicking major ass without really having any sort of experience in the zombie killing field.

Plot was surprisingly for me, very well put together. Honestly I went into this waiting for a catastrophe and can tell you folks, I was entertained the entire time. The lead actors are solid (as solid as you get for a horror flick) and with a pretty decent budget (about 5 mil or so in dollars) they were able to pull off most of the gore effects and still have tanks, and all manners of crazy locations.

 One thing about this director, he doesnt shy away from what he wants to do. The gore is over the top, so is the story and the effects and it all, again to my surprised works.

When our heroes enlist the help of a group of "good zombies" to fight the Nazis you cant help but to cheer and enjoy the violent carnage that ensues.

Again I very much enjoyed Dead Snow 2 and will make a point to watch the first one now..

if you havent had the chance to see it, do it!

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