Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Hello everyone, Jack is back with the best of Horror movie news, reviews and rumors.

As any horror movie fan worth a damn already knows, The KING is back. And I'm not talking about Elvis, but Bruce Campbell..

Entertainment Weekly reports that the Chinmeister himself, has signed up to return as a geriatric yet spry Ashley Williams in a direct sequel to Army of Darkness.

If you all remember, that movie ended with Ash oversleeping and waking up in a post apocalyptic world Army of Darkness ending. Lets hope its not more then just rumor this time!

World War Z sequel gets green lit!! 

The Hollywood Reporter reports that Surprising no one, the over CGI fest known as World War Z, or as I like to call it "the less bloody Zombie movie ever made" got a sequel on the way. Paramount hired Juan Antonio Bayona to direct the sequel.

Kevin Smith is once again flexing his horror muscles, now with a movie called TUSK. Born from his Podcast series, the film supposedly chronicles the story of a man, obsessed with walruses after spending years at sea in their company. After returning he places an ad for a roommate, the only catch is that the roommate has to wear a walrus costume and behave like the animal.

Concept art for TUSK
I would quickly dismiss this as ridiculous, but Smith's prior journey into Horror with Red State was surprising to me as I didnt think he he'd it in him to direct a horror movie so I'm cautiously optimistic about TUSK..

Things are pretty slow in the Low Budget end, I was able to watch a local film to my area called Cassadega. Mainly I went to see it due to the film being in the theaters locally for a few weeks, I gave it a shot. It wasn't terrible. The Cinematography was spot on, the film looked like a movie, not your average "go behind your
mother's yard with a camera" stuff we get, we really get involved in the story right way, but the story gets a little confused where it doesn't know if wants to be supernatural thriller or a serial killer film.

The ending was a Clusterfuck of magnanimous proportions but overall if you're a a fan of the genre and wants to promote your local arts, its worth a try..

Thats all for now, Take it easy everyone, one piece at the time


Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Everyone who LOVES horror films had only a few reactions when they first announced an Evil Dead Remake: Hate and Hate even more

In our geek community saying you wanted to remake Evil Dead would be the equivalent to someone deciding to re-write the bible.. oh wait they already did that
Well, you get the idea. But after watching the Fede Alvarez helmed remake all I had to say was .. Fantastic. 
Of course a great deal of the success must be attributed to the original team being responsible for the concept, Bruce Cambpell, Sam Raimi and Rober Tapert producing the film and wanting what the original Evil Dead was supposed to be, a balls to the walls horror film, the later installments took a more comedic approach and Army of Darkness was a full blown adventure film but Evil Dead was a full blown scare your pants off horror movie and that's what we got this time;

Diablo Cody also gave the script a polish and changed a few things around and you can see her influence here and there, but as many movies these days choose to tame their content to fit the PG 13 rating, sell action figures and get a "name" star, Evil Dead cranked the goremeter to full blown and gave the fans what they wanted. 

The result was a gorefest of a movie like we havent seen in awhile and in the end, the cameo of all cameos when Bruce Campbell's face just shows up for a milisecond to say... Groovy.. 

I hope this is only the beginning for the Evil Dead crew and that this renewed interest generates enough money to warrant what we all wanted to see for years, a sequel to Army of Darkness.. 

'Till then Ill go watch Evil Dead again.. 


Jack The Ripper